8 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1942. MRS. WILLIAM J. BREWER of Raleigh and Grifton, who prior to her marriage on September 26 at the First Presbyterian Church in Raleigh was Miss Elizabeth Dail, daughter of Mrs.
W. H. Dail and the late Mr. Dail of Grifton. Mr.
Brewer is the son of Mrs. W. G. Brewer and the late Mr. Brewer of Raleigh.
MISS ADELAIDE VIRGINIA SCALES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Key Scales, of Wilmington, whose engagement to Edward Lee Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Ward of Wilmington, is announced today by her parents. The wedding will take place on November 28 in Wilmington. Fourteen Parties Highlight Warrenton Social Calendar Warrenton. Mrs.
James Barrow Boyce entertained at cards on Wednesday afternoon for her houseguest. Mrs. J. B. Boyce of Littleton.
Mrs. W. R. Baskervill won top score prize, and the honoree received a gift. Others playing were Mesdames Fred Nobles, Nell Pfaff and Robert Fleming of Newark, N.
J. C. T. Bowers, J. B.
Bobbitt. E. H. Weston, and W. R.
Boyce of Warrenton. The John Graham School faculty was entertained at an informal tea on Tuesday afternoon in the auditorium by the PTA of the school, Punch was poured by Mesdames C. F. Moseley and C. H.
with Mesdames W. B. Crinkley. P. Allen, G.
W. Davis, and Miss Emily Person assisting in serving. The teachers were introduced by Mrs. C. T.
Bowers Mrs. John Kerr. is president of the local association. Mrs. John Kerr, was hostess to members of her card club on Wednescar afternoon.
Mrs. W. W. Taylor. and Mrs.
Alfred Williams. entertained at cards on Saturday afternoon for Miss Rozella Dameron. bride-elect, in the Williams home. Mrs. S.
O. Nunn won first prize, and Mrs. Barker Williams held second Mrs. James S. Love.
a recent bride, received a gift of silver. Miss Dameron was showered with gifts of linen by her hostess and friends. Mesdames A. A. Williams and W.
H. Dameron came in for ref-eshments. Those playing contract bridge were the honoree. Miss Dameron, Mesdames Kenan Smith. James Love, C.
E. Rodwell. J. E. Banzet, Sam Stern.
S. O. Nunn. W. M.
Gardner, H. W. Holt, J. E. Adams.
C. T. Bowers, William Shugart, Wright Tisdale, R. S. Jones, L.
H. T. Cook, John Kerr, Barker Williams, B. Traynham. Charles Brite.
Misses Nonnie Taylor, Dorothy Walters, Mary Frances Rodwell, Nancy Gillam, and Betsy Taylor, all of Warrenton. Mrs. K. P. Arrington entertained at dinner on Friday evening for Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Evans of New York, houseguests of Gen. and Mrs. William Rivers; Miss Mary Tannshill of New York City, guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Mitchell; and Mrs. Nelson Howard of Tarboro, guest of Mrs. Katherine Conway and Mrs.
Arrington. Places were laid for a number of Warrenton guests also. The faculty of Norlina High School was entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening in the Rose Hall Clubhouse in Norlina by members of the Norlina Ruritan Club. During the evening. a poem about the faculty written by Miss Helen Read, was read by Miss Susie Rooker.
Mrs. Frank Piper of Norlina Numerous Groups Meet In Hickory -The Octette Bridge Club met at the home Paul Beam Friday night. Mrs. Wade Cutting and Mrs. Horace Bolick were special guests.
Miss Helen Anderson won the highscore and Miss Helen Vivins reprize, ceived the floating award. Mrs. David McRee won the bingo prize. Mrs. D.
F. Cline was hostess to the Art Craft Club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Jones and Mrs. H.
E. Little were visitors. Prizes in rook went to Mrs. Bovender, who scored highest, and 1 Mrs. E.
J. McCoy, who made the lowest score. Mrs. P. W.
Deaton was hostess to the Athenian Book Club Saturday afternoon. Mrs. C. L. Whisnant was in charge of the program.
Mrs. A. A. Walker reviewed the book, "Strange Woman" by Ben Williams. The Liberal Arts Club Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Carl V. the president. The program topic for the year will be "Various of the World." The American Legion Auxiliary met at the Legion Home Tuesday afterFritts. Mrs. John C.
Rowe, Mrs. A. M. Brown. and Mrs.
Carl Brooks. Mrs. Donald Shuford reported that the auxiliary has 105 paid memberships. The Libertas Book Club held a dinner meeting at The Barn Monday evening. A dozen members attended.
Mrs. Ben F. Seagle was hostess to the Tuesday Card Club last week. Mrs. Edmond Smith, Jr.
won the high score prize. Visitors were Mrs. Smith and Mrs. W. P.
Deitz. At the semi-monthly bridge-luncheon at the Hickory Country Club Tuesday, table prizes went to Mesdames C. L. Morgan, D. FB.
Johnson, Hazel Henderson. James W. Keever, and Douglas Williamson. Honoring their. sister-in-law.
Mrs. Charles E. Cloninger of Conover, a recent bride, Mrs. T. R.
Cummings and Miss Gene Cloninger entertained at luncheon. Covers were laid for 16 guests. The hostesses presented a gift to the guest of honor. The Cosmos Book Club held a businESs meeting at the home of Mrs. George W.
Hall on September 16. Mrs. Shuford Abernethy was hostess to the Reviewers Club on the same day. Mrs. Jake H.
Shuford. Jr. was a visitor. Mrs. Elbert Ivey club high score award.
The Hickorge Book Club held a business of Mrs. September 17. at the home H. Menzis. Four Oaks Luncheon Compliments Bride Four R.
C. Cannady entertained at a luncheon at her home on Friday Sept. 11 honoring Miss Mabel Ogburn of Willow Springs, whose marriage to June Surles was solemnized on Sept. 16. Mrs.
Lester Huber Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Williams brides. shared honors. The hostess presented Miss Ogburn silver; Mrs. Huber, crystal; and Mrs.
Williams, china. Guests were Miss Mabel Ogburn. Mrs. Ogburn, Miss Lois Massengill of Willow Springs. Mrs.
J. B. Surles, Mrs. Lester Huber. Mrs.
Woodrow Williams, Mrs. Hugh Harrill, Mrs. Melvin Wood, Mrs. B. I.
Tart, Mrs. W. G. Baker, Mrs. Tryon George.
Miss Laura Faye Wood. Miss Pat Gordon, Mrs. John W. Lambert of Chester, and Mrs. R.
L. Lewis of Selma. On Thursday evening. Mrs. P.
S. Steed. entertained at her home honoring Mrs. Woodrow Williams. a recent bride.
Games were directed by Mrs. Steed. Mrs. Tryon George and Mrs. Cynthia Adams rendered several musical selections.
About 50 guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Edra Waller whose engagement to Aviation kinson Montgomery, USNR, of and Jacksonville, is announced parents. Cadet is the Mrs.
John H. Montgomery of Number of Parties, Given In Albemarle Albemarle. -The Children's Chapter the United Daughters of the Confederacy held their first meeting of the season in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.
Moore, with Misses Isabelle Out-, and Martha Moore as co-hostesses. The president, Jane Gulledge, presided. An "The Marine Hymn," by Argene Fitzinstrumendered gerald. "Facts from the History of the Confederacy" was given by Mrs. W.
W. Talbert. A piano duet, "Viennese Waltz." Jeannine was played by Jane Officers Gulledge were Boysworth. re-elected as follow: Gulledge, president; president; Marianna Peck, vice Barbara Setzler, secretary; and solos Mrs. W.
Talbert, treasurer. Piano were rendered during the social hour Jane Little. Jeannine Boysworth, Arlene Fitzgerald. Four new names were added to the membership. Jeannine Boysworth, Jane Little, and Mrs.
Sanford Reid Davis was hostess Jane and Jean Bullock. a bridge party at her home on Tuesday afternoon. High score was by Mrs. John B. Harris, second high.
Mrs. Sam Truette, and Mrs. Ralph Groves cut bingo. Mrs. Edwin Fuller entertained at her home on Saturday afternoon.
Milton Brown received high score Mrs. prize, Fuller Mrs. Claude Varner cut bingo. also entertained at bridge Saturday evening, with prizes going to Mrs. Ed Lisk, high, and Mrs.
Claude Varner, bingo. Miss Cora Lillian Patterson was hostto the Spinsters' Club on Wednesevening. The members met at Hotel Albemarle, where they, enjoyed film. "Women in Defense," through courtesy of Dr. W.
N. McKenzie Dick Wilkinson, after which they adjourned to the home of Miss the Patter- Red where they sewed for Cross. Contract rummy was played, winners being Miss Elizabeth Winget and Miss Virginia May. The only visitor, Mrs. Hubert C.
Patterson, recent bride. Miss Mary Louise Patterson and Mrs. Grover Thompson complimented Mrs. Frank Patterson, of Charleston, and Mrs. Hubert Patterson, recent bride, of Philadelphia, at informal tea on Thursday afternoon.
The Merry Matrons Club met with L. S. Whitworth on Wednesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. G.
D. Reynolds, made a talk on her trip Colgate University and other interest in the North. Mr. and Mrs. John Glover celebrated birthday anniversaries on SunSeptember 20, at a surprise birthdinner given by their children.
Glover was 76 years old, and Mr. Glover was 73. Friends and relatives North and South Carolina were present for the celebration. Hogue MISS DORIS BETTY WALLER, daughter of of Rocky Mount, Cadet Robert WilMontclair, N. today by her son of Mr.
and Montclair. MRS. KENNETH D. PARRY of Baltimore, who before her marriage on Thursday, September 10, in Baltimore was Miss Evelyn R. Perry, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Berton H. Berry of Swan Quarter. Mr. Parry is the son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Balfour B. Parry of Baltimore. Meetings Highlight Robersonville Week Johnnie James, a Jr. Dowell was Music hostess to Club members Friday of the after- Mcon noon.
The president, Mrs. C. A. Roberson, presided over the business session. Mrs.
J. Daniels, in charge of the program, presented Mrs. Selma Meadow, who gave a "musical romance" contest, with Mrs. Silas House as winner. Miss Lucille Cox, a student at ECTC, Greenville and a A former pupil of Mrs.
Meadow's, played several musical selections. Invited guests were Misses Matt Lyons and Lucille Cox. The Robersonville Home-Makers Club was entertained by Mrs. W. P.
Sumner on Thursday evening. Following the business session and the program, the hostess entertained guests with several contests. Mesdames Pitt Roberson, A. J. Weeks, and Heber Baker were winners.
Mrs. J. D. Page and Mrs. Betty Barnhill were invited guests.
Mrs. Earl Coburn entertained members of her bridge club and invited guests on Friday evening. Mrs. Robert Taylor scored low. The following were invited guests: Mesdames Dennis Roberson Johnnie James, Jimmie Bullock, and H.
L. Roberson. Misses Peggy Gray, Emma Lou Taylor. and Lois Rogerson entertained a small group of friends at a wiener roast on the Roanoke River Banks at Hamilton Friday evening in honor of Miss Carolyn Anderson, who left Monday for Gainsville, where she entered Breneau College. Guests were Misses Margaret Johnson.
Emma Lou Taylor, Loraine James, Mary Ann Perry, Loretta Osborne, Louise Wilson, Ethel Smith, Mrs. J. E. L. Thomas, Mrs.
E. G. Anderson, and Hassell Gurganus, Joe Ward, Kenneth Roberson, James Robert Daniel, Durwood Everett, Billy White, Bruce Roebuck, Joe Johnson, Charles Wilson, Gene Taylor, Ned Everett, and Dick Green, and the honor guest. Mrs. Vernon Page entertained the Jack Pot bridge club on Wednesday evening.
Miss Rachel Johnson received the high score prize, and Mrs. Frank Futtrell, second-high. Mrs. Robert Cochran captured the traveling prize. Mrs.
J. D. Page was an invited guest. Mrs. J.
D. Page entertained the Deck Bridge Club on Thursday evening. Mrs. H. L.
Roberson received the high club prize, and Mrs. Vernon Page, the high guest prize. Mrs. Page also captured the traveling prize. Invited guests were Mrs.
J. E. Page, Mrs. Vernon Page, Mrs. Dennis Roberson, and Miss Edna Page.
Everett-Roebuck Miss Edith Ward Roebuck and Staff Sgt. Roy Hilton Everett wot Hamilton and Lakeland, were married at noon Tuesday, September 8, in the chapel of the College Heights Methodist Church, Lakeland, Fla. The Rev. Horace C. Ray officiated.
The bride wore a suit of mantle green trimmed with white celanese crepe with mantle green accessories. Her corsage was of Talisman roses. Mrs. Everett is the daughter of Mrs. James Albert Roebuck and the late James Albert Roebuck of Robersonville.
She attended East Carolina Teachers College and is employed at present with A. O. Roberson and Company in Robersonville. Mr. Everett, son of L.
R. Everett and the late Mrs. Everett of Hamilton, is with the United Army Air Force and is now stationed at Drane Field, Lakeland, Fla. Harlan-McCroskey Wilmington. -The Fort Myer wedding Chapel was setting for the of Miss Betty McCroskey, daughter of and Mrs.
Samuel L. McCroskey, 'States Lt. Robert D. Harlan, United Army, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Graydon Harlan of Washington, D. Chaplain William "Plackmeter officiated at the service which was followed by a reception at the Officers' Club at the War College in Washington, D. C. Given in marriage by her father. General McCroskey, the bride was gowned in white satin designed with court train, sweetheart neckline, and long sleeves.
train-length veil of illusion was held with a cluster of pearl orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of white orchids and gardenias. Miss Ann Harlan, the maid of honor, was costumed in rose colored satin and wore a small headpiece of flowers matching her arm bouquet of talisman roses. Bridesmaids were the Misses Nancy and Peggy Reutlinger, Miss. Cecilia Shaw, Miss Evelyn Rhodes, Louise Harriman, and Miss Ruth Jones. They wore pale blue satin and carried deep pink roses.
best man, and ushers were John Graydon Harlan, Jr. ratchard Godfrey and Daniel Harlan. Following the reception, the couple left for a wedding trip to Sea Island, Ga. They will go to New York after their wedding to make their home at London Terrace. The bride attended Hood College in Maryland, and Lieutenant Harlan received his degree from Georgetown University.
The bride made her home in Wilmington for a year. Her father was formerly stationed at Camp Davis as executive officer before being transferred to Washington. FrankenfieldBethune Bunnlevel. Miss Emily Marie Bethune, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Bethune of Bunnlevel was married to Lt. Howard Beidles Frankenfield, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Frankenfield of Philadelphia, at high noon on September 16 in the chapel at Fort Belvoir, immediately after Lieutenant Col. Frankenfield J. received his commission.
Alva Brasted, post chaplain, officiated. The bride wore a two-piece wool suit of powder blue trimmed with red fox. Her accessories were brown, and her shoulder corsage was of yellow roses and lilies Frankenfield is a graduate of Meredith College and for the past four years has been music supervisor in the Washington Public Schools, to which position she will return. Lieutenant Frankenfield is a graduate of Pennsylvania State College and is stationed at Camp Blanding, with the Engi: peer Corps. Sara White Rhyne and W.
B. Murray, Jr. Are Married in Bessemer City Ceremony MRS. GEORGE before her marriage on Memorial Chapel of the Mary Helen Cleveland Knowles of SKINNER McKEARIN, of Raleigh, who Saturday, September 12, in the Poindexter Edenton Street Methodist, Church in Raleigh Knowles, daughter and Mrs. Jesse Roper.
Lieutenant McKearin is the son of tertained 16 guests on Thursday evening at a farewell party for her niece, Miss Doris Sabronshi, of Norwich, who has been spending the summer with her. The honoree received roses during the evening. Following games and contests the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Wililam Killian and Miss Frances Piper. Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Strickland entertained at dinner on Thursday for their house guest, Mrs. Julius A.
Cauble of Salisbury. Others attending were Mrs. Kitty Drew. Mrs. Frances Drew and daughter, Marguerite Lane, and Mrs.
Rhodes, all of Wendell. Mr. and Mrs. G. T.
Collier of near Warrenton entertained at dinner on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Carey Almonds of Rhode Island, bride and bridegroom. Other guests attending were Mr. and Mrs.
James Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Almonds, and Miss Gladys Almonds, all of Petersburg, and Mr.
and Mrs. Emmitt Gupton of Henderson. Mrs. J. L.
Thompson of near Warrenton entertained at dinner on Sunday for her son, Pvt. Clarence Thompson of Aberdeen, Md, here on a furlough. Guests 'attended from Petersburg, Henderson and Warrenton. Mrs. Alfred Williams entertained her card club on Monday evening in her home.
Mrs. G. H. Macon entertained members of her card club on Thursday morning at a two-course bridge-luncheon. Mesdames Edmund White and E.
H. Weston won top club and visitors' prizes. Extra guests Mesdames making up Henry Horne, W. M. Gardner, E.
H. tables were Love, Weston, S. O. Nunn, and W. R.
White. Honoring her house guests, Mesdames Fred Nobles, Nell Phaff, and Robert Fleming of Newark, N. Mrs. Joe Ellis entertained at cards on the Thursday honorees, afternoon. members of the Junior Guests included Thursday Card Cluo, and Mesdames C.
V. Whitford and E. H. Weston. Each honoree received a gift, and Mrs.
Fleming also won top score visitors' prize. Mrs. Jack Scott won high score club prize, and Mrs. Weston received the consolation gift. Mrs.
C. P. Allen, Misses Emma D. Graham and Mamie Gardner were joint hostesses at the September meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary on Thursday evening in the Allen home, with ten members attending. The meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs.
W. L. Wood. Mrs. C.
P. Allen gave several interen-'esting readings. Allsbrook-Braxton Scotland Thursday evening, September 17, Mrs. Mildred Jackson Braxton and Richard Leroy Allsbrook, both of Scotland Neck, were married in Weldon. The ring ceremony was performed by Rev.
A. C. at son, pastor of the Baptist Church, his home, and the only friends present were Mr. Mrs. W.
E. Bradley of Scotland Neck. The bride wore a soft suit of navy rabbit hair wool with blouse trimmed with real Irish lace. Navy accessories were used, and a corsage of orchids was at her shoulder. Mrs.
Allsbrook is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson and has made her home in Scotland Neck for a number of years.
Mr. Allsbrook is the son of Mrs. J. L. Allsbrook and the late J.
L. Allsbrook of Scotland Neck. For a number of years, he has been connected with the Commonwealth Publishing Company as he is linotype operator. After a short trip, Mr. and Mrs.
Allsbrook are at home in Scotland Neck. Lane-Newsome, Mrs. Lucille Randolph Newsome, daughter of Mrs. J. B.
Randolph Scotland Neck and the late J. B. Randolph, was married on Sunday, September 6, to Clarence R. Lane of Rich Square and Norfolk, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Lane of Rich Square. The ceremony was performed in Dillon. S.
C. For the occasion, the bride wore a costume of salute blue crepe with wine accessories and a shoulder corsage of talisman roses. After a hort trip, Mr. and Mrs. Lane are making their home in Norfolk.
Prior to entering Saint Mary's School, Raleigh, Miss Sue Baker was given a dance at the Scout Pond on Friday evening by Misses Myra Douglas Butler, Sunshine Bellamy, Willie Marjorie Riddick, Ann Josey, and Nancy Coleman. About 25 guests were present. The Clarksville Literary Club was entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. James Livermon. Mrs.
Douglas Temple discussed the political growth of Russia. Mrs. James Riddick was hostess to the Poetry Club Tueday afternoon. She also had charge of the program and discussed the shorter poems of Tennyson. Guests included Mrs.
Archie Browne of Rich Square, and Sam ArMr. rington and Mrs. C. J. Shields Dunn of Enfield.
entertained Friday evening at their cabin at Sills Mill. Barbecue was served and games were played. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Dunn, Mr.
and Mrs. N. O. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermon, Mr.
and Mrs. D. R. Boyette, Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. P.
E. Shields, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Rodgers, Lewis Cherry and Robert McGlaughan. Party Compliments Wake Forest Girls Wake Margaret Powers and Betsy Savage were complimented at a going-away party given by Misses Mary Paschal and Phyllis Utley on Monday afternoon at the home of Miss Utley.
Each guest of honor received a gift. Those present included Misses Betty Black. Elizabeth Jones, Alice Lee Harris, Margaret Carroll, Betty Stansbury. Evelyn Little. Charlotte Easley, Josephine Holding.
Margaret Johnston, Doris Seago, Elizabeth Bryan, and Mrs. Joseph Hinnerman. Soldiers from the Army Finance Unit from Wake Forest and Duke University were. entertained at the weekly USO dance on Saturday night. September 19.
Mrs. R. L. Gay was hostess. and chaperones were Mesdames D.
Holliday, D. C. Walker, W. W. Holding, Leland Jones, and A.
L. Aycock. Miss Louise Williams was in charge of the dance. Mr. and Mrs.
George Skinner McKearin of Hoosick Falls, N. The and is now stationed at Camp Butner. An Get-Together Held By McClenny Family Anniversary, Meeting, Breakfast On Goldsboro Calendar Goldsboro. -The descendants of the late James W. and Sarah Holloman McClenny held their annual reunion at the old homeplace six miles west of Mount Olive on Sunday with more than 100 membets of the family present.
The four sons and four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. McClenny were present and are John Daniel George and Samuel F. McClenny. Mesdames T.
C. Crow, N. Crow, B. L. Sutton, and J.
R. Harrell, all of Goldsboro or Wayne County. A. Raymond Crow of Wilmington was elected president; Ernest Sutton of Mount Olive, vice president; Mrs. B.
T. McCullen of Goldsboro, secretary-treasurer; R. O. Crow of Goldsboro, historian; and Mrs. Osmond C.
Pate of Goldsboro, chairman of the program committee. A picnic dinner was served at noon. In the afternoon, a program of readings and held. Eli F. Pate of Goldsboro made a short address.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garris of Pikeville celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at their home on Monday, September 21.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Garris have lived in Wayne County since childhood. Mrs. Garris was Miss Susan Womble of Grantham Township.
They have two children, Mrs. John C. Lockhart of Charlotte and G. C. Garris of Pikeville, and four grandchildren, John C.
Lockhart, of Baltimore, Miss Matrina Lockhart of Charlotte, Mrs. Baker of New Orleans, and Miss Eloise Garris, who teaches in Sanford. Mrs. Clifford Green and Mrs. Guion Lee entertained at the first fall meeting of the David Williams Chapter, DAR, at Mrs.
Green's home on Friday afternoon. Miss Florence White, chaplain, had charge of the program. Mrs. T. B.
Dameron, regent, presided. Miss White read a paper on "American Ideals As Reflected in the Constitution. tion." Mrs. M. L.
Roland of Eureka played patriotic songs. Miss Sarah Carraway, who will be married on Monday, October 5, to Charles Arthur Allred, was honored at a breakfast at the Hotel Goldsboro on Wednesday by Mesdames W. H. Best, Mark Best, and Munroe Best, sisters-in-law. Those present were Miss Carraway, Miss Helen Allred, sister of the bride-groom-elect, Misses Myrtle Musgrave and Rachel Edgerton, and Mesdames David H.
Bland, Berl Kahn, Norman York, Charles N. Edgerton, George S. Dewey. Lawrence McIntyre, and Ray Scoggins. Miss Sarah Carraway, who will be married tomorrow at Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church to Charles Arthur Allred, was honored at a luncheon given by Mrs.
William E. Barnes of Wilson. the former Miss Mildred Rawlings of Goldsboro, at her home in Wilson on Tuesday. The guests were a dozen young Goldsboro women as follows: Misses Sarah Carraway. Helen Allred, and Rachel Hemphill Edgerton.
Mesdames Charles N. Edgerton, sister of the hostess, Ray Scoggins, Lawrence McIntyre, George S. Dewey, W. H. Best.
Mark Best, Munroe Best, Berl Kahn, and Norman York. The hostess presented Miss Carraway silver bon-bon dishes. Miss Doris Virginia Byrd entertained at a linen shower on Monday evening. honoring Mrs. Murray Howell, the former Miss Hilda Hollowell.
Upon arrival, the guest of honor received a corsage, and later the guests showered her with gifts of linen. Mrs. W. H. Carter conducted the contests, and prizes were awarded to Miss Naomi Huffman, Mrs.
Raymond Howell, and Mrs. Murray Howell. The hostess was assisted by her sister. Mrs. W.
H. Carter in serving. Mrs. Howell was honored at a party Thursday night at the home of Mrs. T.
C. Crow by the Quaker Maids of the Friends Church, of which Mrs. Howell is a member. Contests were enjoyed, and Miss Virginia Crow and Mrs. Wendell Edgerton received the prizes.
The guest of honor received a shower of gifts. The descendants of the late Tom Barnes held a reunion at the home near Fremont in Wayne County on Saturday. Children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Barnes present were: Mr.
and Mrs. F. B. Whitley, Kenly: Mrs. Larry Aycock of Wilson: Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Barnes and Lloyd Barnes of Selma: Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Barnes of Fremont: Mrs. Cleveland Mumford of Princeton; and Mrs. Christine Barnes Davis, who lives at the homeplace. A barbecue and picnic dinner was served. Pvt.
James A. King, who is a member of the Coast Guard stationed at Virginia post and who was at his home near Goldsboro on a 10-day leave, and Mrs. King were honored at a barbecue dinner on Sunday by his mother, Mrs. Lessie King, at her home on Route 3, Goldsboro. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Weeks, Mrs. N.
Williamson, and Misses Marie Houser and Bonnie Johnson. Mrs. Holland Honored. Steadman. Miss Christine McCall entertained at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. M. R. Autry, on Saturday night, September 19, at a miscellaneous shower honoring Mrs. Pershing Holland, recent bride.
Games and contests were played. DIAL 8347 J. J. FALLON CO. 208 Fayetteville Street Abrams-Thrower Red Helen Thrower and Lt.
Edward P. Abrams were married in a quiet ceremony in. Bishopville, S. on Saturday, September Miss Thrower's plans for a home wedding were changed because of the unexpected curtailment of Lieutenant Abrams' leave. The bride and bridegroom left 1m- mediately after the ceremony for Newberry, S.
where they made short visit to his parents, en route to Camp Rucker, where they will be stationed for the present. Mrs. Abrams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fairley Bethune Thrower of Red Springs.
She received her education at Flora Macdonald College and Draughn's Business School in WinstonSalem. She has. been a member of the office staff of the Mid-State Cloth Mills in Red Springs for the past two years. Lieutenant Abrams is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
O. H. Abrams of Newberry, S. C. He is a graduate of Clemson College in South Carolina and has been in the Army of the United States for six months.
Mrs. George Ashford entertained at a Coca-Cola party on Friday morning complimenting her house guest, Mrs. Ethel Russell of Philadelphia, Pa, Mrs. Ben Campen, Mrs. Phil Bragg, Mrs.
James Owens, and Mrs. R. D. McMillan, assisted the hostess in receiving about 30 guests. The first fall meeting of the Linda Vardell Music Club was held in the home of the new president, Miss Mary Johnston, on Thursday evening.
New officers elected at this meeting were Miss Cornelia McMillan, secretary, and Mrs. Ernest Graham, treasurer. The following names submitted for membership were unanimously accepted: Misses Clara De Vane, Louise McNeill, Ethel Bateman, Helen Buie, Harriet Anderson, and Professor and Mrs. E. R.
Poole. Plans for the year's programs were discussed by Mrs. Robert Chapman, Mrs. Bartram Robeson, and Wilgus Eberly. Latin-American music has been chosen as the theme of the year's study.
The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Elbert McPhaul and Mrs. Cecil Parsons in serving. A business meeting of the Legion Auxiliary was held in the service club on Friday evening with the president, Mrs. G.
T. Brooks, in the chair. C. E. Leigh, representing the Charles Hall Post of the American Legion, made a brief talk in which he told of some of the activities of the men's organizaPlans were made for a joint banquet to be given early in October by the legion post and the auxiliary.
Junior UDC Holds Laurinburg Meeting Junior UDC held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Bill Elliott with Mrs. J. B. Lee Creech gave a paper on the work of the UDC in World War No.
1, and Miss Jean Thrower sang a solo. Mrs. J. B. Peacock was elected president; Mrs.
Charlie Williamson, vice president; and Miss Gladys Jones, secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Harvey Hunter was hostess on Wednesday afternoon, September 16, to the members of the Wednesday afternoon Club and several guests. Mrs. Yates Gamble made high score in bridge; Mrs.
Jimmie Bone, secondhigh; and Mrs. A. P. Gibson was bingo winner. Each received a gift.
On Tuesday evening, the Eight and One Club met with Mrs. W. F. Adams for the first time this fall. Rook prizes were awarded to Mrs.
R. N. Grubbs and Mrs. W. G.
Butler. Mrs. Charlie Williamson was hostess at her home to the Thirteen Club. Prizes were given to Mrs. Frank McGuire for high score in bridge and to Mrs.
J. B. Peacock for second-high score. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Malcolm Gillis was hostess to the Soiree with several tables placed for bridge.
Mrs. Harvey Hunter won the high score prize. Miss Nancy Morgan was entertained at several parties recently. Miss Mary McKinnon and Mrs. L.
D. McKinnon entertained with a tea showed. Mrs. E. O.
Jenkins honored Miss Morgan with A miscellaneous shower. Mrs. W. L. Thrower and Mrs.
McKinnon Morgan entertained for Miss Morgan with a luncheon. Nine guests were present. The hostesses presented the honoree with a crystal her pattern. Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Buie, Sr. entertained at their home in Wagram on Friday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs.
John McNair Buie, whose marriage took place in Monroe this month. Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Pence greeted the guests. and Miss Lillian Alderman introduced the receiving line composed of the hosts, honorees, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Secrest of Monroe, and Mrs. Huntley. Others receiving and serving were Mrs. Allen McLean, Mrs. W.
G. Buie, Miss Mary McLaughlin, Mrs. D. D. Ray, Mrs.
J. A. Buie, little Miss Mary Rebecca Buie, Mrs. W. G.
Shaw, and Mrs. John Luke Saturday afternoon, September 12, the wedding of Miss Frances Jane Hogue to Pvt. Robert Macon Davis of Warrenton and Fort Eustis, took place at the U. B. College Church in Dayton, with the Rev.
James A. Swain, pastor, officiating, using the double ring ceremony. The church was decorated with cut flowers and white candles. Music preceding the ceremony was rendered by Mrs. Clara Hott Ralston of Dayton, at the organ; Miss Elsie Hogue Ralston, soprano, of Lexington.
Dean J. Edgar Anderson of Cambridge, Ohio, violinist; and Donald Fisher, tenor, of Strausburg, Va. The bride was given in marriage by her great-uncle, Frank Rathbun of Oakland, Md. She wore an aqua wool street dress with London tan accessories, and her flowers were talisman roses. The maid of honor was Miss Doris Warren Coffman of Dayton, who wore beige wool with turf tan and beige accessories.
Her corsage was of vellow roses. Dean J. Louis Adams of Selmer, was best man, and ushers were Carr Coffman of Dayton, and Prof. H. K.
Werner of Wawotosa, Wisc. Mrs. Rathbun, grandmother of the bride, wore rose crepe and pink roses. Mrs. P.
R. Davis, mother of the bridegroom, of near Warrenton wore black with black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Davis is the daughter of Charles K. Hogue of Akron, Ohio, and the granddaughter of Mr.
and Lake Mrs. Park, Warren Md. Rathbun Mountain She attended Akron University, Akron, Ohio, where she was a member of Alpha Delta Pi Social Sorority. In June, she was graduated from the Shenandoah College, Dayton, Va. She is now employed as secretary to the dean of the college Mr.
Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Davis of Macon, Warren County.
He attended John Graham High School, Warrenton, and received his B. Mus. Ed. Degree from Shenandoah Conservatory of Music, Dayton, where he was a member of the A Capella Touring Chorus throughout his college career. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at home of Mr.
and Mrs. Carr Coffman in Dayton for the otof-town guests and bridal party. To Relieve Misery of COLDS LIQUID 666 COUGH TABLETS SALVE DROPS DROPS Try A Wonderful Liniment RALEIGH DIAL FRENCH 5527 Cleaners Cash Discount Carry Laundry and on Bessemer City. The First Baptist Church of Bessemer City was the scene of the wedding on Monday evening, September 14, of Miss Sara White Rhyne of Bessemer City and Lt. William Benjamin Murray, of Kenansville.
The Rev. J. Ned Taylor, pastor of the church, officiated, and the vows were spoken before a towering background of fern, white gladioli, and sevenbranched candelabra holding cathedral tapers. Prior to the ceremony, a program of wedding music given by Mrs. D.
V. Matthews. Mrs. Mary F. Keeter was soloist.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, Miles Luther Rhyne, wore a wedding gown of white slipper satin. Her full length veil of bridal illusion was worn coronet style with a tiara of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and baby's breath centered with an orchid. Lt. Durwood Murray of Goldsboro, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Miss Eleanor Lindsay, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Miss Helen Ratchford of Gasonia and Mrs. John C. Peden. Miss Lindsay's dress was of ice blue satin, and she carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and pink snapdragons. The bridesmaids' dresses were of tile colored satin, and they carried yellow chrysanthemums and blue delphinium.
The flower girls were Janice Matthews and Francis Owen. They wore dainty peach satin frocks and carried nosegays of pink and blue flowers. The ring bearer was Howard Wheeler, Jr. He was dressed in a uniform which was a replica of that worn by the bridegroom. He carried the ring on a satin pillow.
Groomsmen were Ned Rhyne and Bill Lindsay, brother and cousin of the bride. Ushers were George Black and Fred Sherrill, the latter Hickory. The bride's mother wore powder blue lace with a shoulder corsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs. William B.
Murray, mother of the bridegroom, was dressed in navy sheer with a shoulder spray of red roses. Mrs. Murray is the daughter of Mr. Spring Hope UDC Has Guest Speaker Spring John W. Bryant chapter of the UDC held its anniversary meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Community Building with 18 present.
Mrs. J. E. Woodard of Wilson was guest speaker. Mrs.
Sallie Wood and Mrs. H. B. Bergeron assisted Mrs. P.
E. Daniel as hostesses. Guet of honor at a surprise birthday dinner Sunday at her home in Seven Paths was Mrs. Iola Wilder. occasion was her 75th birthday.
Those present were her children and grandchildren. Members of her bridge club met with Mrs. Edward Morgan on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. R.
O. Mullen received high score prize. Mrs. Elmo Edwards was hostess to the Coca-Cola Club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.
R. K. Bass was winner of the high score prize. Mr. and Mrs.
McNair Gaskins were hosts to their Couple Bridge Club on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. T.
Geddie received the high score prizes. On Saturday evening, Mesdames M. T. Barnes and D. L.
Liles were joint hostesses at a bridge party at the home of the former. Mrs. R. O. Mullen received high score prize.
Mrs. R. O. Mullen entertained the Coca-Cola Club on Monday afternoon in her apartment. Mrs.
J. E. Upchurch received the high score prize. Aurora OES. Aurora.
the The Eastern local Star chapter met on of Tues- the day evening with the worthy matron, Miss Maybell Beacham, presiding. and Mrs. Miles Rhyne of Bessemer City. She is an accomplished musician. She attended Eastern Carolina Teachers' College and Lenoir-Rhyne College, and for the past two years, she taught in the Morganton City Schools.
Lieutenant Murray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Murray of Kenansville. He was graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Prior to entering the Army, he was State examiner for Building and Loan, with headquarters at Raleigh. After a short wedding trip, the couple will be at home at Knollwood Field, Southern Pines, where Lieutenant Murray is stationed with the United States Army. Following the ceremony, the brides' parents entertained at a reception at their home. The first receiving line included members of the wedding party, the parents of the bride and bridegroom, Mayo rand Mrs. O.
R. Black. and the Rev. J. Ned Taylor.
The following formed the second receiving line on the lawn: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lindsey, Mr.
and Mrs. D. V. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Matthews. Mrs. Mary F. Keeter. Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Wheeler of Belmont, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherrill of Hickory, and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Owen of Lincolnton. Others receiving and serving were Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Sick, Mr. and Mrs. June Rhyne, Mesdames F. E. Gray, Rufus Plonk, and Bill Morris.
Misses Hazel Saunders, Carolyn Mauney, and Lois Sexton, Mrs. A. W. Kincaid, Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Rhyne, and Misses Alda Phifer, Abbie and Jan Lindsay, Mary Alice Ormand, and Jean Rhyne. memh lerersranceuiuseine Late in the evening, the bride and bridegroom left for a short wedding trip in Eastern North Carolina. For traveling, the bride wore a black wool costume suit. Her hat was an off-theface model in black felt with fuschia trim. She wore an orchid from her bridal bouquet.
Miss Eleanor Lindsay entertained at a cake-cutting on Sunday evening at her home following rehearsal of the Rhyne-Murray wedding. Guests included members wedding party, a few close friends, and relatives of the bridal couple. Parry-Berry a daughter Swan of Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn R.
Berton Berry, Berry of Swan Quarter, became bride of Kenneth D. Parry, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Balfour B. Parry of Baltimore.
on Thursday evening, September 10, at Mount Vernon Methodist Church in Baltimore. The Rev. Harold Bosely officiated. The bride's only attendant was Mrs. Joe Weinstein of Baltimore, and oJe Weinstein attended the bridegroom as best man.
The bride wore a wool dress of cedar green with brown accessories and a mink necklace. Her corsage was of gardenias. At the time of her marriage, Mrs. Parry was employed as secretary at the Tiedmann-Roth Company in Baltimore. The bridegroom has been connected with the Esskay Company in the sales department for a number of years.
He is also manager and director of the Harmony Envoy's Orchestra. Aulander UDC. Aulander were W. M. joint Peele hostesses and Mrs.
at J. the September meeting of the Aulander Chapter of the United Daughters the Confederacy. Miss Ella Early, president, presided. Mrs. W.
C. Castelloe, who prepared the program also gave the devotional. A program on the subject "Why Am I A Daughter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy?" was given in the form of a round table discussion, with all members present participating. Mrs. M.
D. Burden and Mrs. Saunders were appointed delegates to the State convention in Greensboro. ESPECIALLY IF HE'S IN SERVICE he wants your Portrait High on his list of Christmas "wants" is PORTRAITS and October is the LAST good month to mail packages to the boys in service So don't wait, make your appointment NOW! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT THIS WEEK University Studio "Raleigh's Only Ground Floor Studio" 12 E. Hargett St.
Dial 4153 LEADERS ARE NEEDED -in industry as well as in the armed forces. Train here to coordinate and direct the efforts of others. LEADERSHIP is required. Let Hoyle's training help supply it. Students admitted September 28 and October 5 HOYLE'S Secretarial School 306 Academy Building, Raleigh, N.
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